Three Steps to Using LinkedIn [infographic]

If you’re not a regular LinkedIn user, you may be wondering what it’s all about or where to start. This infographic was developed as a quick overview of three of the steps you need to take to build your LinkedIn presence. All of these steps are covered in more detail in the recently released Second Edition of LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers, which is available now (for more information about the book, you can click on the book cover at the bottom of the infographic)

2 thoughts on “Three Steps to Using LinkedIn [infographic]”

  1. Great tips Allison. Another “related” tip is to remind people not to immediately follow-up after you accept their Linkedin request with an offer or sales pitch. Nothing turns me off more than someone just fishing for clients. Do this and we’re done.

    • Thanks, Mitch. I agree. I am all for following up to continue the conversation, but not to pitch, although I will say that depending upon how the request came about and what was said in the initial exchange, if you have a resource to point them to, an article, or something of value, that is acceptable, as long as you aren’t immediately asking for money or business.

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