Allison C. Johs Biography

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Allison C. Johs, Esq., President of Legal Ease Consulting, Inc., shows law firms how to prevent lawyer meltdown and build a practice they take pleasure in, with clients they truly care for. She provides productivity, practice management, social media, copywriting, marketing and business development coaching and consulting services for lawyers and law firms. She is also the co-founder of Mediation Solutions of NY, LLC, a mediation and arbitration company based on Long Island.

Allison was a practicing lawyer for 15 years and worked as the Administrative Partner at Lewis, Johs, Avallone, Aviles, LLP, a multi-disciplinary law firm with offices on Long Island and in Manhattan that grew from 15 attorneys to over 50 attorneys during her time at the firm. After leaving the firm to start Legal Ease Consulting, Inc., Allison continued practicing law part-time for a Manhattan law firm while building the consulting practice.

As a result of her experience as both a lawyer and a law firm manager, Allison understands the law firm environment and the daily pressures faced by lawyers trying to manage and build their business while practicing law and successfully serving their clients.

Allison Johs sitting

Allison’s experience includes spearheading marketing and business development initiatives and aligning legal and administrative personnel to new direction and growth. She has enhanced internal communication systems and constructed systems and procedures for functions such as: billing, database management, personnel, and file handling, which result in increased efficiency and consistency.

She has worked with technology professionals on such tasks as establishing law firm intranets and maximizing workflow, practice and case management capabilities, and more. As a practicing lawyer, Ms. Johs handled litigated matters ranging from premises and product liability to labor law and professional malpractice.

Allison helps her clients create efficient, effective systems and operations to maximize productivity and enhance client experience. Allison’s clients learn how to identify and attract their ideal clients, improve their client intake and selection, increase client loyalty, develop client-friendly fee structures, and increase profits.

No law firm can succeed without a steady stream of clients. With the rise of the internet and social media, Allison recognizes that lawyers must capture attention and demonstrate their expertise online. She provides online marketing and social media services and training for lawyers to help them maximize these important opportunities, as well as helping them develop marketing plans and strategies. She provides copywriting services for clients and helps them develop content for online and offline marketing and business development.

Allison is the author of the Legal Ease Blog, one of the ABA Journal’s earlies Blawg 100, in 2009. She writes the Simple Steps column for Law Practice Magazine, for which she received the Division’s award for Best Column in 2019.

Allison has also been a regular columnist for the Canadian blog, Slaw, the ABA Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC) blog, Law Technology Today, and Lawyerist. She has published articles in numerous legal publications including Law Practice Today, Law Practice Magazine, Immigration Law Today, TechnoLawyer, The Suffolk Lawyer, and The Nassau Lawyer, among others.

As one of the leading authorities on LinkedIn for lawyers, Allison provides training for lawyers, law firms, bar associations, and law schools on LinkedIn, social media, and digital marketing. She lectures on marketing, social media, business development, productivity, and practice management for bar associations, law schools, and other legal associations, and has presented at the ABA TECHSHOW, the leading legal technology conference and expo.


Allison is a member of the American, New York State, Nassau, and Suffolk County Bar Associations. Allison served as the Chair of the American Bar Association Law Practice Division’s Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC) and Chair of the Division’s Publishing Board. She currently serves as a member of the Division’s Council and has served on several other boards with the Division.

She served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Suffolk County Bar Association, a past Chair of the Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee, and a past Associate Dean of the Suffolk Academy of Law, before serving for over a year and a half as the Executive Director of the Suffolk Academy of Law, the arm of the Suffolk County Bar Association responsible for providing CLE programs to lawyers in Suffolk County and beyond

Allison also served as Co-Chair of the Membership Committee of the Nassau County Bar Association, Vice-Chair of the Publications Committee, and Associate Editor of the Nassau Lawyer.


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Allison is the co-author, with Daniel J. Siegel How to Do More in Less Time: The Complete Guide to Increasing Your Productivity and Improving Your Bottom Line (now in its Second Edition) for the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Division.

She also co-authored the book, Make LinkedIn Work for You, A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals with Dennis Kennedy. Allison and Dennis also co-wrote two other books for the Law Practice Division: LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers and Facebook in One Hour for Lawyers (no longer in print).

Education and Admissions

Allison is a cum laude graduate of Dickinson College and was a Dean’s List scholar at Fordham Law. While at Fordham, Ms. Shields was an editor of the Urban Law Journal and has served as a Vice President of their alumni board of directors. She is licensed to practice law in the New York State courts and in the federal courts of the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York.

Allison is now using her experience to help lawyers through consulting, coaching, training, workshops, webinars and teleclasses, and in offering free information through her blog and free Lawyer Meltdown Newsletter, offered through her website.

Honors and Awards

Allison being inducted into the College of Law Practice Management

Allison was named a Who’s Who, Women in Professional Services by Long Island Business News in 2024. She was inducted as a Fellow into the College of Law Practice Management in October of 2018, and in the same month, received the Robert P. Wilkins Award for Overall Achievement in Division Publications from the Law Practice Division, honoring “an individual or entity that has excelled beyond the standard obligations and contributed significantly through innovation and creativity to the Division’s publications.”

Allison with Outstanding Women in Law award
Photographer: Jonathan Heisler, Hofstra University Photographer

In 2016, Allison was among the first class of women to be awarded the Outstanding Women in Law award from Hofstra University’s Maurice A. Deane School of Law.

Click here to read an article about Allison and Legal Ease that appeared in Long Island Business News, December 2005 at the inception of her consulting practice.



Phone: 631-642-0221

Allison C. Johs

Legal Ease Consulting, Inc

Creating Productive, Profitable and Enjoyable Law Practices

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