Avoiding Ethical Problems in Online Legal Marketing
Plainview Hilton NY, United StatesThis program covered many aspects of online legal marketing and offers 4 NY ethics credits. The live program is over, but the NYSTLA is still offering the program at the listed website for purchase as a DVD or CD.
Shaping Your Narrative – Online Reputation Management
Hilton Chicago 720 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL, United StatesWant to know how to deal with negative reviews, or how to maximize the power of positive ones? Come join us for this ABA TECHSHOW session.
Tech Summit: New York State Bar Association
Crowne Plaza, Times Square, NYCThe 2019 Tech Summit is a two-day event which will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Times Square, NYC. The packed two-day schedule includes presentations on everything from cybersecurity to PDFs, i-devices and admissibility of tech-related evidence. Get your CLE credits for the year, along with important tech information by joining me at the ...