Are you headed for a Lawyer Meltdown?
Do you recognize these warning signs? You can stop lawyer meltdown in its tracks and reverse the time crunch.
Warning signs that you could be headed for a “Lawyer Meltdown”:
You work more and more hours for less and less money.
Are non-billable or low value activities eating into your bottom line? Does everyone in your office do things differently, causing you to waste time searching for documents, files or important information? Do you have trouble attracting associates or staff who care about what they’re doing and the service you provide to your clients?
You’ve lost your passion or forgotten why you became a lawyer.
Has the law become just another job to you, rather than a way to use your valuable knowledge and skills to serve others? Has all of the fun gone out of the practice of law?
You can’t stand your clients any more (and think they don’t like you either).
Do your clients ignore your advice or question your judgment? Are you in a never-ending battle with clients over fees, strategy, and countless other issues? Do you often wish you represented your adversary instead of your client? Are you continually networking but not generating any new business or even any decent leads?
You’re buried under paperwork. You fear you’re missing something…
…the ‘big bomb’ that could explode on you any minute.
Are you fighting a losing battle with the paper that comes into your office every day? Are you convinced that it’s impossible to control your office files, track all of your appointments and calls, and wade through the endless parade of publications that cross your desk?
There is hope!
Lawyer Meltdown is not inevitable.
Practicing law can be enjoyable again. You can learn how to focus your practice on your best clients and eliminate the ‘problem’ ones. You can conquer the paper monster.
Most solo practitioners and small to mid-sized law firms handle these problems by working even longer hours, cutting corners, or sacrificing personal or marketing time. They go into ‘reactive’ mode, addressing only those issues that are urgent – whether they’re important or not. They go after any kind of client, in any practice area, just to get more business because they’re afraid of the competition.
The problem with this approach is that it leads to burnout, depression and stress. It causes you to feel overwhelmed and directionless. And under those conditions, it’s impossible to provide your clients with the kind of service they deserve.
Increased competition means law firms must work harder to differentiate themselves. The legal marketplace demands that lawyers provide better service in more effective and creative ways to be profitable. Focusing on your firm’s uniqueness and passion is the first step toward that differentiation.
Did you know?
- In study of over 100 occupations*, lawyers ranked first for depression
- A disproportionate number of lawyers commit suicide, compared to the general population
- One out of every 4 lawyers suffers from stress**
- Participation in Lawyer Assistance Programs (LAPs) across the U.S. is skyrocketing, with many state LAPs reporting higher than anticipated numbers for lawyers with mental health diagnoses
- The number of lawyers has been increasing over the past several years, which means competition is getting tougher and tougher
It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time for a change.
Want to stop wasting time worrying about management and serve your clients more effectively? is your source for tips, tools, articles and resources that can help you manage and build your practice.
The way to stop this vicious cycle is to return to your roots – the reasons you decided to practice law or open your own law firm in the first place, and the passion behind those reasons. When you generate goals that concentrate on your unique strengths and the particular clients you can serve best, and build a structure that supports those goals, you create a sense of purpose and order in your practice.
Many lawyers are surprised to discover that re-igniting their passions both inside and outside of the law actually increases their bottom line. By spotlighting the clients you enjoy working with and activities you enjoy working on, you’ll boost your energy and focus and work more productively.
Lawyer Meltdown can help reinvigorate your practice.
Lawyer Meltdown was born out of frustration with the prevailing thought that lawyers have to kill themselves and be miserable to be ‘successful.’ Imagine the possibilities if this weren’t true. I’ll show you some simple ways to get your practice humming so that you have the time to focus on other things. That might include marketing, serving your clients, spending time with your family or taking that long overdue vacation.
Law firms increasingly report that young associates are looking for work/life balance, and that these issues affect their employment decisions. More and more women are entering the profession, and current law school classes contain more women than men – and many of these women want flexible or part-time schedules. Law firms that want to attract the best and the brightest have to focus on these issues – not just for themselves, but for the future of their firm.
The purpose of
My goal is to help lawyers create the most effective practices possible, so they can provide excellent service to their clients. I want to stop the defection of good lawyers away from the practice, and show them how they can enjoy being lawyers again. It’s my way of giving back to the profession. I like lawyers. Call me crazy, but I’m tired of all of the ‘negative press’ lawyers have received, particularly recently.
There’s lots of information about marketing, practice management and related topics on the internet and elsewhere. But trying to navigate tons of publications, not to mention emails and the internet, is a full time job in itself. You’re a busy lawyer who’s running a practice, serving clients, and generating business. The last thing you have time to do is wade through all of that material.
Within this website is a gold mine of power-packed information that allows you to look at your practice from a radically different viewpoint. You’ll find the information useful and easy to navigate.
Free Information
I’ve constructed this site to be a resource for attorneys, with lots of free articles, information, and links to sites that will help lawyers manage and build their practices. This information and all of the tips, resources, bonuses and other “goodies” contained in my newsletter are FREE.
I also offer products and consulting and coaching services to lawyers and law firms, but the Lawyer Meltdown newsletter and the articles on this site are free.
Why should you listen to me? Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what one lawyer had to say:
“It did not appear that Allison had the background to coach lawyers, and one has to be skeptical of the huge number of people who are calling themselves coaches these days.
However, Allison’s advice has always been spot on and well thought out. She takes a straightforward approach to the practice of law and has impressed me enormously.
Allison has offered tremendous value and as a result, I have already recommended her to others.”
Andrea Goldman, Esq.
Newton, MA
Solo Practitioner, Construction /contractor, business and consumer disputes. Arbitration and mediation services
Does this sound good to you?
Are you looking for ways out of the never-ending trap of work, work and more work? Do you want the kind of practice where you can work less, get greater satisfaction from your practice and work with only the ‘best’ clients?
Explore the site yourself. Capitalize on the free information and resources offered here. The information will be thought-provoking and easy to implement. If you find you want more, subscribe to the Lawyer Meltdown e-Newsletter. You’ll receive this information-packed, easy to read newsletter in your email inbox at no cost to you. As a bonus, you’ll receive a FREE special report.
Special Report (a $19.99 value) – Free
It’s one item that can make a huge difference in your marketing, particularly in today’s highly competitive legal marketplace. A simple step by step guide to ensure that your marketing is built around this crucial factor. I recommend you read it, and read more than once.
Even those that think they already know this realize that they’re not putting it into practice in all of their marketing materials. Use this element in conversations, websites, email campaigns, direct mail pieces, letters to clients, brochures, etc. for a dramatic effect on your marketing.
Get your FREE report and bonus subscription to the Lawyer Meltdown Newsletter now…
“Allison is a bright light in the often murky arena of law practice management. Although I have not been a client of hers, I have been fortunate to experience her advice in a variety of contexts ranging from many one-on-one direct conversations and frequent e-mail exchanges to monthly group discussions to regular participation in an online national lawyer marketing listserv.
In each setting, she exhibits consistently outstanding intelligence and analysis, breadth and depth of knowledge and experience, clarity of expression, and an amicable and affirmative attitude. I am confident that any solo lawyer or small-to-medium-sized law firm would be enlightened by and delighted with Allison’s proactive, targeted, and customized advice on how to improve the business of lawyering.”
David Abeshouse, Principal
Law Office of D. Abeshouse
Uniondale, L.I., NY
Business Litigator, Arbitrator, Mediator
To start your journey back from the brink of lawyer meltdown, click on the button below to get your FREE report and bonus subscription to the Lawyer Meltdown e-Newsletter.
Not convinced yet?
Check out my Articles and Videos page – it contains articles on topics including practice management, marketing, ethics and professionalism. My mission is to help lawyers work smarter and better so that no more lawyers defect from the profession, and so that the lawyers who stay are happier, healthier, and better able to provide outstanding service to their clients.

Allison C. Johs
Legal Ease Consulting, Inc
Creating Productive, Profitable and Enjoyable Law Practices

P.S. Found a mistake or a bug? If there’s anything that bothers you about this site, I want to know! Send me an email at I want this site to be not just a resource, but a refuge for lawyers. I want you to be comfortable here. So if there’s something that bothers you, please tell me!
*Study conducted by Johns Hopkins University
**According to the American Bar Association