Hear what others have said about Legal Ease Consulting
“As the owner of a solo practice for over twenty years, the management of my practice has increasingly taken more of my time. I was at a point where I was in the middle of a number of projects and was having trouble moving forward with them. I heard Allison give a presentation and after we had a conversation I decided that she would be helpful in figuring out how to tackle these projects and taking some of the pressure off of me.
Once we started working together she figured out how to streamline my projects, give me next steps to move forward and help me manage them to completion. I highly recommend her to any lawyer that needs a higher level understanding of how to move forward with their practice.”
– Scott J. Limmer | The Law Offices of Scott J. Limmer
“As the owner of a solo practice for over twenty years, the management of my “I’ve consulted with Allison on a few occasions, and I intend to use her again. One of the things I like about her is that she thinks outside the box (particularly with regard to the use of social media and other technologies) while maintaining the practical mindset of a la-w firm managing partner.
Allison’s been in the trenches and therefore sees the “whole field”: from efficient business management to marketing to effective client service to legal ethics. She “gets it,” and she’s a pleasure to work with.”
– David G. Ross | Ross Law Firm, LLC | www.davidrosslaw.com
“I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful webinar you presented this week to the Michigan membership. I was so proud to be able to offer sure a stellar educational experience to our attorneys. Not surprisingly, you received the very best of reviews in the webinar survey; this was in all aspects of the webinar.
I realize how much time, effort, and preparation goes into these presentations. Again, thank you so very much.”
– JoAnn Hathaway | Practice Management Advisor | State Bar of Michigan
“Legal Ease Consulting’s services are invaluable, especially to solo practitioners. Allison is extremely thorough and sensitive to both the needs of her clients as well as her client’s clients. Her attention to detail is remarkable.”
– Kim M. Smith | Attorney at Law | eldestlaw.com
“I enlisted Allison’s help to work on my LinkedIn Profile and my bio as part of re-branding process. She worked with me through several conversations and emails to refine them to be more focused, organized and clear, and to highlight my experience in a way that would appeal to my potential clients. For example, throughout several conversations she pointed out how that I should not diminish my media relations background. She organized my varied experience in a way that is understandable to my market: attorneys.
We tend to overlook basic things such as Linked In bios while getting seduced by the bright shiny object syndrome when trying to market ourselves. I’d recommend looking at adding/improving your base line strategy, and that includes calling Allison for help.”
– Paramjit L. Mahli | The Rainmakers Roundtable | therainmakersroundtable.com
“My experience of Allison is that she’s a bright and highly skilled adviser. She is in fact rare, in that she “gets” what many practicing professionals don’t always realize, and that is that they are truly business people. That the sum total of their employee’s are not just “staff” but a living breathing organizational team in support of their business. And managing that organization and the growth of that business requires real leadership, process, and accountability. I just love her business model in that it supports, in a clearly targeted way, that often missing leadership & management function for her clients. I highly recommend Allison to any practicing professional or firm wanting to grow.”
– Mark Bullock, Partner | Practice Marketing Advisors | PracticeMarketingAdvisors.com
“Allison has demonstrated a high degree of expertise in her field. She has assisted our office greatly and is certainly an asset to any company in which she associates. I recommend her without reservations.”
– Cheryl Fratello, Esq. | Fratello & Fox, P.C. | fratelloandfox.com
“A detail-oriented quick study who puts the client’s interests before her own, Allison provided all I the help I could ever ask for and then more. Great value added.”
– David Kaufman, Esq. | Kaufman Law Group, PLLC | businessbrawls.com
“I’ve twice hosted Allison’s LinkedIn in One Hour presentation, and both times she demonstrated her amazing expertise, her client focused attitude, and practical applications for LinkedIn for professionals. Through these programs alone, she has helped over 200 legal professionals become better LinkedIn users. For many of us, LinkedIn is just another place to put info on the web, and we let hundreds of opportunities pass us by by failing to connect, missing great leads, or failing to continue the conversation.
Allison will help you make the appropriate changes so that LinkedIn becomes part of your larger business strategy. It’s amazing how much more I get out of LinkedIn by following a few simple tips from her. As a practice management adviser, it’s my job to make sure that the members of the NCBA have access to the best resources. In the area of LinkedIn, Allison is the best. Her book and her presentations are my first resource for all things “LinkedIn.” If you are looking for an expert to make your LinkedIn profile customer and colleague ready, I highly recommend Allison to you.”
– Joyce Brafford | North Carolina Bar Association
“Allison is a long-tenured expert in law practice management, with a wide range. Of late, she has focused on legal marketing, including attorneys’ best use of LinkedIn. She has co-written one tremendous book, and a follow-up title, for the American Bar Association on the subject.
I frequently ask Allison to speak for my organization, and she always delivers wonderful results. If I could, I would have Allison speak at every event I put on. She relays her expertise in a personable, and down to earth, fashion that almost any audience can appreciate.”
– Jared Correia | Assistant Director and Senior Law Practice Advisor | Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program
“Allison Shields, in my opinion, is one of the best consultants we have ever worked with. We retained her to adivse on strategic planning, practice development, and most recently, to write the content for our new website, which we hope to launch within the next couple of weeks. She is professional, conscientious, extremely organized, and very responsive. She demonstrates true dedication to her clients and to the goals they strive to achieve. Her writing skills are excellent.
I have attended some of her presentations and found her to be well prepared, knowledgeable on the subject matter, and very informative. She is ALWAYS very thorough in any project she undertakes. In whatever capacity you need to engage her, I assure you will not be disappointed in her services. We highly recommend Allison.”
– Barbara Tomitz
“Allison works with exceptional insight and understanding of both legal practice and the lawyer’s life. She is expert in assessing a firm’s unique resources and working with individual practitioners to realize their highest potential. The result is a creative, effective, and satisfying practice tailored to the strengths of the firm and its staff. Allison has my highest and unequivocal recommendation.”
– Peter V. Arcese, Esq. | pvacounsel.com
Whether you’re a solo practitioner or in a management position at a small or mid-sized firm, I can help.
If you’d like to learn more, click here to subscribe to the Lawyer Meltdown Newsletter and get ideas and information about how to improve your practice right in your email in-box. You’ll also receive my FREE report, “Are You Missing A Crucial Element in Your Marketing?”
If you’re already a subscriber, or want to learn more about how I can help your practice, click here for more information about my Products and Services.

Allison C. Johs
Legal Ease Consulting, Inc
Preventing “Lawyer Meltdown” and Creating Productive, Profitable and Enjoyable Law Practices
P.S. Found a mistake or a bug? If there’s anything that bothers you about this site, I want to know! Send me an email at Allison@LegalEaseConsulting.com. I want this site to be not just a resource, but a refuge for lawyers. I want you to be comfortable here. So if there’s something that bothers you, please tell me!