Where to Find Images for Your Marketing

Where can you find quality images for your marketing?

The first thing to consider when looking for images is copyright. You need to make sure that you are not violating the rights of the image’s creator or using an image without permission.

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4 Places to Find Images for Your Marketing

You can pay for images on sites like Shutterstock, iStockphoto, or depositphoto. When you pay for the image, you are granted a license to use the image in a particular way.

Or you can search for images with Creative Commons licenses where the image’s creator has allowed the image to be used for particular purposes. There are different levels of licensing, and these images may require attribution, so make sure you read the fine print.

The easiest and safest way to find images for your marketing may be to use one of the many sites that offer free images for commercial use, such as Unsplash, Pexels, or Pixabay.

Finally, you can create your own images. When you create your own images, they are sure to be original, on-point, and free of copyright issues. With today’s tools, it’s not as hard as you think. I’ll talk about that in my next video.

[Note: there are many more sites like the ones above to explore – these are just examples of places you can find images. Feel free to leave your favorite sites for images in the comments!]

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